I'm so glad you're interested in learning more about my programs!

Creating spiritual rituals
Energy Alignment
Exploring emotions & beliefs
Identifying feelings & patterns
Healing from within
Holding space for grief/sadness/confusion
Creating a plan for Living Intentionally
Self-compassion and Kindness
Self-Love/Inner Child Work

Soul sessions are for you if you are interested in:

Do you feel like you're on the verge of something but can't quit get there? Do you feel stuck? Are you searching for a spiritual connection and need to know how to begin?

Do you feel like you're wanting to change and don't know how to begin?

Now take a minute to dream with me. Imagine that you...

Are able to connect with your feelings and begin your healing journey

Have spiritual rituals that enrich your life

Find clarity as they observe your limiting beliefs

it's all possible

Have a plan in place for living intentionally

Have the tools you need to start embracing the life you want

Feel completely unstuck and ready to take the next right step in your life

Are you ready to create a life that aligns with your intensions?

I want in!

Soul Sessions are a one hour session dedicated to learning where you are today, where you would like to go & what is stopping you from the life you would like to live. Meeting via Zoom or in person, we will gently discuss your journey, uncover roadblocks and determine action steps. Through gentle inquiry, we will sift through your mind and heart. You will begin to make a life that aligns with your intentions. All discussions are confidential & conducted without judgement. Together, we can form a partnership that allows for deep transformation and growth.

Investment: $88 per hour

Soul session details

Hoping for a longer coaching relationship? 

I also offer 3 and 6 month programs, which allow us to dive deeper together. I am a certified trauma-informed California Crisis Counselor and love to help others navigate healing in a way that feels safe and intentional. 

You deserve to live your most authentic, complete, and intentional life, and I would be honored to help you discover the the deep joy that a spiritual practice can bring.

I trained in life-coaching at Lumia (formerly JNRI)

It's time to go for it.

Inquire now